Review on the book "My Sister's keeper" by Sowparnika


                                                                                        -JODI PICOULT

Ten years from now I’d like to be Kate’s sister.

My Sister’s Keeper is an absolutely astounding book written by Jodi Picoult. The Fitzgerald’s are happy leading a middle class life until their two year old is diagnosed with acute leukemia. Having no matching donors, the family decides to conceive another child who is genetically designed to be her donor. But all hell broke loose when Anna at the age of 13 files a lawsuit against her parent for her medical emancipation.

The story is told from the perceptive of the various characters like Anna, Kate, their mother, their father and the lawyer. This  gives us a deeper understanding of the situation. The story proceeds to tell how their lives unroll after being wrecked by demons in the form of cancer and Anna’s lawsuit.

The book definitely encourages us to question what is practical and ethical. Picoult portrays the characters in a very judicious manner, without taking any sides. As a reader you are put in an emotional dilemma, wondering which sister is right. She tells us that it all depends on the choices and sacrifices we are ready to make.

All characters tell their own stories and are charming. My personal favourite is Anna. In the book she shows an emotional maturity far greater than her age. Maybe if we saw the world through her eyes, it would not be so monochromatic. She is portrayed as a shrine of love and unspoken pain.

As a reader I found the dynamics of the relationships of the characters very special. The love between Mrs.fitzgerald and both her daughters, the sisterhood, the understanding between the siblings all showcase everyday emotions, expressed beautifully in a soulful manner. While reading the book I realized that making decisions are not easy, sometimes we will reach a point where right and wrong is indecipherable. 

Jodi Picoult takes us on an emotional rollercoaster through the pages of this book. There are so many heartfelt moments, instances which makes you giggle, smile, laugh and even cry. The story of Anna and Kate is a beautiful representation of sisterhood and sacrifice. My Sister’s Keeper is sure to touch your heart and will change your life in unimaginable ways.


Sowparnika M.S.

Grade XI