Article by Masoomi Nevgi

 Similarity in diversity!!!

India is a country with diverse traditions and cultures. In fact it would take ages to know each and every tradition of every nook and corner of India.I would like to compare two states of our country.

Himachal Pradesh

Located snugly in the shade of the great Himalayas, this state is a beautiful combination of naturistique beauty and cultural vibrancy. Himachal Pradesh constitutes 96% of Hindus only. Even though Hindi is the state language, Western Pahari Languages are mostly spoken. The dressing style if traditional has different norms for both Brahmins and Rajputs..

Famous for the Pashmina shawl of Kullu, Himachal is a hub of art and craft. The colourful Himachali caps and the bamboo crafts of the Dom tribes are some of the other articles available.

Himachal Pradesh is also famous for its charismatic and vibrant music and dance. The main dance is Naati of Kullu and the music is folk. The complex dances mainly are from the tribal community.

The fairs and festival celebrated here are Soolan Mela, the Annual Himachal Hill Festival, Sais Festival etc..

The Himachalis like all Indians eat lentils, broth, rice, veggies and bread. The traditional cuisine is dominated by red meat and white bread. But the food served traditionally in marriages us called ‘Dham'.


This beautiful coastal state of Kerala is a combination of Indian and Dravidian culture and heritage that everyone must experience. The fascinating folk dances cum theatre dramas of Kathakali and Koodiyattam, the tribal folk form of Kummatikali are just a few.. Kerala also has a box of its own native music consisting of Sopanam and Melam, which includes both paandi and panchai music. The temple music with the chenda is totally soul-stirring.

As Kerala is a land of coconuts, finding crafts made of coconut isn’t a big deal. Moreover, it also aces in the metal work category.

The clothing style is pretty same for all the three communities- Christians, Hindus, and Muslims. While both men and women can wear their traditional white mundu with kara, traditional Muslim women prefer purdah. The exotic cuisine of Kerala is worth coming here. The finger licking types of fishes with steamed foods to go with it just leaves you drooling enough. Besides the taste they’re light and healthy too.

But what makes  God’s own country stand out is its extravagant festivals. Life is a festival here and when Onam comes , the festivals hit their zenith. Different temples also conduct their own fairs n festivals  that just makes life here exciting and vibrant.

There would seem to be no similarity in these two states at first, but if looked in deeply, there are so many ways in which they are quite similar. All the festivals here are celebrated with fun and frolic with absolutely no discrimination between communities thereby, embracing the joy of humanity. Though one is located near mountains and the other near the sea, both of them are lands of pure natural beauty in its own way. People in both the states follow the national language as their own, and have an overflowing bag of though different but exciting and vibrant dance forms. Both the states ace in the hardware world. They also have a definite array of crafts from nature (coconut, bamboo). Just as every individual is unique, every state is unique in its own way but follows the main principle of humanity -‘Unity in Diversity’. My India. My dear India.


Masoomi Nevgi